Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Chapel speech: On self-imposed burdens.

Originally presented at Luther Junior and Senior High School morning chapel, May 29, 2014.

"I can do it myself!" That's what I always told my mom in frustration when I was a kid. When I was little it was when she was helping me use a stapler or cutting my food with a knife. When I was older, it was when she was in the passenger seat teaching me how to drive a car. I wanted independence. I wanted to prove that I could do things by myself with no help from anyone else.

My mom, looking out for me since 1990. (2010 photo.)
When I was learning how to drive a car, I would fight with my mom at every turn. "Watch out for the car coming from the right," she'd say. I got angry when she said things like that, because I couldn't prove that I saw the oncoming car before she'd said anything. I think my frustration made me a worse driver than I already was.

Maybe some of you feel the same way. Maybe you're eager to show how well you can do things by yourself. Or maybe you just don't like asking for help. But there are certain things we can't do by ourselves.

The Bible tells us that God is perfect and righteous, and compared to Him, we're nothing. We can't do anything without the One who first gave us life. There were times when I was learning how to drive when I didn't actually see that oncoming car. If my mom hadn't said anything, I might have gotten into an accident.

Today's Bible verse tells us to "not be anxious about anything." Do you know what anxiety is? It's a burden we put on ourselves. When I was in high school, I burdened myself with proving to the world that I could be a responsible human being… but I didn't know how to be an adult at age 17. There was a lot more that I had to learn… and have to learn still.

Today's Bible verse also tells is to "by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present [our] requests to God." God wants to hear from us in prayer! He welcomes us to give our anxiety over to Him. That is something to truly be thankful for.

Finally, today's Bible verse says that we will receive "peace that transcends all understanding" to "guard [our] hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." When we are anxious, or when we worry, we doubt God's faithful provision in our lives. Jesus once asked, "How many of you can by worrying add a single hour to your life?" (Matthew 6:27). We don't gain anything by holding on to our anxieties, our worries, or our desires to do everything ourselves.

What do you burden yourself with? What are you anxious about? The best way to let go of that burden is to give it to God in prayer. He is always willing to answer those who call on Him in truth. May he fill your hearts with His peace.

Let us pray.

Father God, thank you that you take on our burdens when we call on you. Help us to not hold on to the things that trouble us and let us seek your peace that passes all understanding.

In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)

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